Multi Color Unisex Usb Led Light Shoes
- Product Code:
Multi Color Unisex Usb Led Light Shoes
- Available
- 2,150
- 1,799
Save 16% (351)
- Return policy apply for 30 days from delivery date.
- Recharge led shoes for one hour using the usb cable which offers glow time of two-three days.
- Led shoes reflects seven static and five dynamic color modes as mentioned in our video.
- It is very easy to charge with the usb cable delivered with the led shoes into the package.
- Cash on delivery is available for all the orders.
- All features are available like fashionable, durable, waterproof and eco friendly. Enjoy the Led Shoes.
- Create your cupboard more stylish and versatile including your led shoes for men and women.
- Can use widely in all the situations. Avail few stock